10 Mar Second Transnational Project meeting of DigiFacT in Vigo, Spain
The 5th of March took place in Vigo, Spain the second meeting of the Project Management Board (PMB) of the DigiFact project, cofounded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU.
During the meeting, held in the facilities of Femxa Formación S.L.U., partners had the opportunity to review the overall progress of the Digital Facilitator Trainer role project and set new milestones.
The DigiFacT consortium has achieved:
- Completion of a transnational desk research that gathered best practices in the use of Gamification, AI, and Data Analysis tools in education in Romania, Spain, and Turkey.
- Assessment of the current gaps in digital skills of students and educators in the three national VET systems, thought the assessment of the competences of 182 students and 117 educators.
- Developing 9 interviews with key individuals, active professionals in vocational education and training, of the three countries to obtain first-hand information on the insides of digital education and the competencies required in educators.
“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs
Currently, the DigiFacT project is developing Instructional Design guidelines and a Competence Map, to support VET educators in introducing and leveraging digital tools, in Data Analytics, Gamification and AI, in their online and face-to-face training. Tools and resources that will be available for all in the DigiFacT website and future eLearning platform.
To the same end, a joint training event was held this week in Vigo, Spain, where educators and training professionals from the three organisations were trained in data analysis, tools, applications, and skills, that are needed to train Digital Facilitators.
The transnational project meeting was closed after the interim review of the project Intellectual Outputs, dissemination activities and a Lessons learnt session regarding the first of three joint staff training events held under the DigiFacT project. The encounter was followed by a lunch at a local restaurant and a guided tour visit of the estuary of Vigo.

DigiFact is an innovative initiative that creates and designs the role of Digital Facilitator with the aim of helping Education for Employment educators develop their digital competencies in three fields: Artificial Intelligence (AI), gamification and analysis.
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