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Digital Facilitator Trainer
An innovative response to enhance the development of VET educators in the field of digital education.

Nº proyecto: 2020-1-TR01-KA226-VET-097638

What is Digifact?

DigiFacT is an Erasmus + project that embodies a new approach to support the digital resources in teaching in the VET community in Europe. We aim to give educators better tools to improve their own digital skills and those of his students, with the creation of the Digital Facilitator Trainer (DFT), an innovative figure that will make the process of learning much easier.

What digital fields are adressed?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in this era. Facial recognition was used during Pandemic and it is still used, to monitor test and examinations. Calculating motivation or boredom becomes important for educators and easy to analyse.


Gamification is an efficient support tool for any good training course. The incorporation of games, quizzes or else, are useful to engage participants in the online training. The quality of gamification is improving year by year, so that it is important for the DFT to manage this digital instrument.


The data analyse allows educators to design new paths and create upgrades during the training. For instance, information about habits and timetables gives trainers and teachers patterns to implement individual corrective measures during the training.

DigiFacT is a European project that includes as partners organisations experts in the fields of education and formation of three different countries.


Osmaniye Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey), a regional governmental organisation that takes care of the planning and coordination of all kinds of educational and training activities.


Femxa Formación S.L.U (Spain), a training company with more than 20 years of experience in creating training solutions that provide job opportunities for people.


TEAM4Excellence (Romania), an NGO founded in 2017 that helps institutions and businesses to grow through education, research and consulting.

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